Flux with Rabbits

How to Allocate Rabbit Storage

Request rabbit storage allocations for a job by setting the .attributes.system.dw field in a jobspec to a string containing one or more DW directives, or to a list of singleton DW directives.

DW directives are strings that start with #DW. Directives that begin with #DW jobdw are for requesting storage that lasts the lifetime of the associated flux job. Directives that begin with #DW copy_in and #DW copy_out are for describing data movement to and from the rabbits, respectively.

The usage is most easily understood by example.

Examples of jobdw directives

Requesting a 10 gigabyte XFS file system per compute node on the command line:

$ flux alloc -N2 --setattr=dw="#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=10GiB name=project1"

Requesting both XFS and lustre file systems in a batch script:


#FLUX: -N 2
#FLUX: -q pdebug
#FLUX: --setattr=dw="""
#FLUX: #DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=1TiB name=xfsproject
#FLUX: #DW jobdw type=lustre capacity=10GiB name=lustreproject
#FLUX: """

echo "Hello World!" > $DW_JOB_lustreproject/world.txt

flux submit -N2 -n2 /bin/bash -c "echo 'Hello World!' > $DW_JOB_xfsproject/world.txt"

jobdw directive fields

The type field can be one of xfs, lustre, gfs2, or raw. lustre storage is shared by all nodes in the job. By contrast, the other types are for node-local storage. Processes on one node will not be able to read data written on other nodes. Currently only xfs and lustre are known to work properly.

The capacity field describes how much storage to be allocated. For lustre the capacity refers to the overall capacity. For all other types, the capacity refers to the capacity per node. See this Wikipedia article for the meaning of the suffixes.

The name field determines the suffix to the DW_JOB_ environment variable. See below for more detail.


The name field can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters. Underscores, spaces, and dashes are not allowed.

Using Rabbit Storage

For each jobdw directive associated with your job, your job will have an environment variable DW_JOB_[name] where [name] is the value of the name field in the directive. The value of the environment variable will be the path to the associated file system.

For instance, for a directive #DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=10GiB name=project1, the associated job will have an environment variable DW_JOB_project1.

Data Movement Directives

To request that files be moved to or from the rabbits, additional DW directives must be added to the job in addition to jobdw directives. The copy_in directive is for moving data to the rabbits before the job starts, and the copy_out directive is for moving data from the rabbits after the job completes.

Both copy_in and copy_out directives have source and destination fields which indicate where data is to be taken from and where it is to be moved to. The source must exist.

Data Movement Examples


When writing copy_in and copy_out directives on the command line, be careful to always escape the $ character when writing DW_JOB_[name] variables. Otherwise your shell will expand them. This warning does not apply to batch scripts.

Requesting a 10 gigabyte XFS file system per compute node on the command line with data movement both to and from the rabbits (the source directory is assumed to exist):

$ flux alloc -N2 --setattr=dw="#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=10GiB name=project1
#DW copy_in source=/p/lustre1/$USER/dir_in destination=\$DW_JOB_project1/
#DW copy_out source=\$DW_JOB_project1/ destination=/p/lustre1/$USER/dir_out/"

Requesting a lustre file system, with data movement out from the rabbits, in a batch script:


#FLUX: -N 2
#FLUX: -q pdebug
#FLUX: --setattr=dw="""
#FLUX: #DW jobdw type=lustre capacity=10GiB name=lustreproject
#FLUX: #DW copy_out source=$DW_JOB_lustreproject destination=/p/lustre1/$USER/lustreproject_results
#FLUX: """

echo "Hello World!" > $DW_JOB_lustreproject/world.txt

Last update: Apr 04, 2024