
Choose an alternate method for mapping job task IDs to nodes of the job. The job shell maps tasks using a "block" distribution scheme by default (consecutive tasks share nodes) This option allows the activation of alternate schemes by name, including an optional VALUE. Supported schemes which are built in to the job shell include


Tasks are distributed over consecutive nodes with a stride of N (where N=1 by default).


An explicit RFC 34 taskmap is provided and used to manually map task ids to nodes. The provided TASKMAP must match the total number of tasks in the job and the number of tasks per node assigned by the job shell, so this option is not useful unless the total number of nodes and tasks per node are known at job submission time.


Assign tasks in order to hosts as they appear in FILE. FILE should have one or more lines each of which contains a host name or RFC 29 Hostlist string. Each host assigned to the job must appear in the hostfile and be assigned the same number of tasks as the default taskmap from the shell. If there are less hosts in the hostfile than tasks in the job, then the list of hosts will be reused.

However, shell plugins may provide other task mapping schemes, so check the current job shell configuration for a full list of supported taskmap schemes.


(submit,bulksubmit) Replicate the job for each id in IDSET. FLUX_JOB_CC will be set to id in the environment of each submitted job to allow the job to alter its execution based on the submission index. (e.g. for reading from a different input file). When using --cc, the substitution string {cc} may be used in options and commands and will be replaced by the current id.


(submit,bulksubmit) Identical to --cc, but do not set FLUX_JOB_CC in each job. All jobs will be identical copies. As with --cc, {cc} in option arguments and commands will be replaced with the current id.


Suppress logging of jobids to stdout


(submit,bulksubmit) Log command output and stderr to FILE instead of the terminal. If a replacement (e.g. {} or {cc}) appears in FILE, then one or more output files may be opened. For example, to save all submitted jobids into separate files, use:

flux submit --cc=1-4 --log=job{cc}.id hostname

(submit,bulksubmit) Separate stderr into FILE instead of sending it to the terminal or a FILE specified by --log.


(submit,bulksubmit) Wait on completion of all jobs before exiting. This is equivalent to --wait-event=clean.


Wait until job or jobs have received event NAME before exiting. E.g. to submit a job and block until the job begins running, use --wait-event=start. (submit,bulksubmit only) If NAME begins with exec., then wait for an event in the exec eventlog, e.g. exec.shell.init. For flux run the argument to this option when used is passed directly to flux job attach.


(submit,bulksubmit) Display output from all jobs. Implies --wait.


(submit,bulksubmit) With --wait, display a progress bar showing the progress of job completion. Without --wait, the progress bar will show progress of job submission.


(submit,bulksubmit) With --progress, display throughput statistics (jobs/s) in the progress bar.


(bulksubmit) Define a named method that will be made available as an attribute during command and option replacement. The string being processed is available as x. For example:

$ seq 1 8 | flux bulksubmit --define=pow="2**int(x)" -n {.pow} ...

(bulksubmit) Shuffle the list of commands before submission.


(bulksubmit) Change the separator for file input. The default is to separate files (including stdin) by newline. To separate by consecutive whitespace, specify --sep=none.