-q, --queue=NAME

Submit a job to a specific named queue. If a queue is not specified and queues are configured, then the jobspec will be modified at ingest to specify the default queue. If queues are not configured, then this option is ignored, though flux-jobs(1) may display the queue name in its rendering of the {queue} attribute.

-t, --time-limit=MINUTES|FSD

Set a time limit for the job in either minutes or Flux standard duration (RFC 23). FSD is a floating point number with a single character units suffix ("s", "m", "h", or "d"). The default unit for the --time-limit option is minutes when no units are otherwise specified. If the time limit is unspecified, the job is subject to the system default time limit.


Set an alternate job name for the job. If not specified, the job name will default to the command or script executed for the job.


Set comma separated list of job submission flags. The possible flags are waitable, novalidate, and debug. The waitable flag will allow the job to be waited on via flux job wait and similar API calls. The novalidate flag will inform flux to skip validation of a job's specification. This may be useful for high throughput ingest of a large number of jobs. Both waitable and novalidate require instance owner privileges. debug will output additional debugging into the job eventlog.