

flux pstree [OPTIONS] [JOBID ...]


flux pstree displays a tree of running jobs by job name, similar to what the pstree(1) command does for system processes.

Like pstree, identical leaves of the job tree are combined, which results in a more compact output when many jobs within a Flux instance share the same job name.

The flux pstree command supports custom labels for jobs, including separately labeling parent jobs, using the same format string syntax supported by flux-jobs(1).

The command lists actively running jobs by default, but a --all option lists all jobs in all states for the current user. In the case that -all is used, the job labels will automatically be amended to include the job status (i.e. {name}:{status_abbrev}), though this can be overridden on the command line.

The flux pstree command additionally supports listing extended job information before the tree display with the --extended, --details=NAME, or --detail-format=FORMAT options, e.g.

$ flux pstree -x
ƒJqUHUCzX9 user1     R      2      2   10.68s flux
   ƒe1j54L user1     R      1      1   8.539s ├── flux
   ƒuusNLo user1     R      1      1   5.729s │   ├── sleep
   ƒutPP4T user1     R      1      1   5.731s │   └── sleep
   ƒe1j54K user1     R      1      1   8.539s └── flux
  ƒ2MYrwzf user1     R      1      1   4.736s     └── sleep

Several detail formats are available via the -d, --details=NAME option, including progress, resources, and stats. For example, the progress display attempts to show the overall progress and utilization of all Flux instances in a hierarchy by displaying the total number of jobs in that instance (NJOBS), the "progress" (PROG - inactive/finished jobs divided by total jobs), and core and GPU utilization (CORE% and GPU% - number of used resources divided by total available resources):

$ flux pstree --details=progress

ƒJqUHUCzX9      2      3    0% 37.5%          0:02:15 flux
   ƒe1j54L      1   1000   23%  100%          0:02:13 ├── flux
  ƒ2HmSnHd      1                             0:00:01 │   ├── sleep
  ƒ2Hjxo1K      1                             0:00:01 │   └── sleep
   ƒe1j54K      1   1000 11.5%  100%          0:02:13 └── flux
  ƒ2b6cPMS      1                             0:00:01     └── sleep

By default, flux pstree truncates lines that exceed the current value of the COLUMNS environment variable or the terminal width if COLUMNS is not set. To disable truncation, use the --long option.

By default, the enclosing Flux instance, or root of the tree, is included in output, unless extended details are displayed as when any of the --extended, --details=NAME or --detail-format=FORMAT options are used, or if one or more jobids are directly targeted with a JOBID argument. This behavior can be changed via the --skip-root=[yes|no] option.


-a, --all

Include jobs in all states, including inactive jobs. This is shorthand for --filter=pending,running,inactive.

-c, --count=N

Limit output to N jobs at every level (default 1000).

-f, --filter=STATE|RESULT

Include jobs with specific job state or result. Multiple states or results can be listed separated by comma. See the JOB STATUS section of the flux-jobs(1) manual for more detail.

-l, --long

Do not truncate long lines at COLUMNS characters.

-p, --parent-ids

Prepend jobid to parent labels.

-L, --level=N

Only descend N levels of the job hierarchy.

-x, --extended

Print extended details before tree output. This is the same as --details=default.

-d, --detail=NAME

Select a named extended details format. The list of supported names can be seen in flux pstree --help output.

-n, --no-header

For output with extended details, do not print header row.

-X, --no-combine

Typically, identical child jobs that are leaves in the tree display are combined as n*[label]. With this option, the combination of like jobs is disabled.

-o, --label=FORMAT

Specify output format for node labels using Python format strings. Supports all format fields supported by flux-jobs(1).


Label tree parents with a different format than child jobs.


Specify an explicit details format to display before the tree part. Care should be taken that each line of the format is the same width to ensure that the tree display is rendered correctly (i.e. by judicious use of format field widths, e.g. {id.f58:>12} instead of just {id.f58}.


Explicitly skip (yes) or force (no) display of the enclosing instance, or root of the tree, in output.

-C, --compact

Use compact tree connectors. Usefully for deep hierarchies.


Use ascii tree connectors.


The default output of flux pstree shows all running jobs for the current user by name, including any running sub-jobs. If there are currently no running jobs for the current user, only the enclosing instance is displayed as a ., to indicate the root of the tree:

$ flux pstree

If there is a running job, it is displayed under the root instance, and includes all child jobs. Identical children are combined:

$ flux pstree
└── flux
    ├── flux
    │   └── 2*[sleep]
    └── flux
        └── sleep

Extra information can be added to parents, which are instances of flux. For example, summary job stats can be easily added:

$ flux pstree --skip-root=yes --parent-label='{name} {instance.stats}'
flux PD:1 R:2 CD:0 F:0
├── flux PD:592 R:2 CD:406 F:0
│   └── 2*[sleep]
└── flux PD:794 R:1 CD:205 F:0
    └── sleep

Or utilization:

$ flux pstree --skip-root=yes \
  --parent-label='cores={instance.resources.all.ncores} {instance.utilization!P}' \
cores=8 37.5%
├── cores=2 100%
│   └── 2*[sleep]
└── cores=1 100%

Displaying jobs in all states automatically adds the job status to the display, which offers a compact representation of the state of jobs throughout a hierarchy:

$ flux pstree -a
├── flux
│   ├── flux:PD
│   ├── flux
│   │   ├── 824*[sleep:PD]
│   │   ├── 2*[sleep:R]
│   │   └── 174*[sleep:CD]
│   └── flux
│       ├── 914*[sleep:PD]
│       ├── sleep:R
│       └── 85*[sleep:CD]
├── flux:CA
├── 36*[flux:CD]
├── hostname:CA
└── hostname:CD


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

