Starting a Flux Instance

A Flux instance is a self-contained workload manager. It is so easy to start a new Flux instance that we often ask ourselves "can we just start a new instance?" before we consider extending Flux to solve a new problem.

In a broad sense, Flux is a workload manager on a par with Slurm, Torque, LSF, or similar systems. It distinguishes itself by being able to be started standalone, as a job in another system, or a job in itself (recursively). It doesn't require elevated privileges to do so for one user at a time, so anyone can download Flux and immediately use it productively. This opens up possibilities for using Flux as a portability layer or "step scheduler" in workflow systems, and for cooking up divide and conquer solutions to resource and workload problems.

A Flux instance consists of a set of services running on top of a distributed message broker. To start Flux, we are just starting one or more brokers in parallel, as a parallel program if you will.

flux-start(1) starts a Flux instance, whose life cycle consists of three phases:

  1. Initialize

  2. The rank 0 broker runs the initial program to completion

  3. Finalize

By default, the initial program is an interactive shell. If flux-start(1) is passed free arguments, they are interpreted as commands to run non-interactively instead. Either way, when the initial program terminates, the instance terminates.

Starting a Test Instance

A standalone Flux instance can be started right away, say on your laptop, or on a login node of your institution's big cluster. This is a convenient way to begin experimenting.

$ flux start --test-size=3
$ flux uptime
 23:50:28 run 1.3m,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 3
$ flux resource info
3 Nodes, 12 Cores, 0 GPUs
$ flux run --label-io -N3 hostname
2: test0
1: test0
0: test0
$ exit

What just happened? Hint: the process tree looks like this:


Let's break it down:

  1. flux-start(1) launches three Flux brokers on the local system, ranked 0, 1, and 2.

  2. The brokers find their rank and exchange peer network addresses and public keys using a PMI server offered by the start command, which is the process parent of the brokers. The PMI server is only offered by flux-start(1) when the --test-size=N option is used.

  3. After the brokers are connected and have completed initialization, the rank 0 broker spawns the initial program, an interactive shell that has its environment set up so that Flux commands run from it will connect to the new Flux instance. The prompt right after the start command is from this new shell.

  4. We run flux-uptime(1) to get some basic info about the system and note that it consists of three brokers, and that it has no parent instance, hence a "depth" of zero.

  5. We run flux-resource(1) list to show the instance's resource inventory. In this contrived test instance, we have three brokers running on one node, but each broker assumes that it is discovering the resources of a separate node, so while there is really 1 node, 4 cores, the resource inventory contains 3 nodes, 12 cores. See below for more on that.

  6. flux-run(1) launches the hostname(1) command in parallel across the three "nodes" and waits for it to complete. We observe that each reports the same hostname.

  7. Finally, we exit the interactive shell. Since that was the initial program, the instance exits. The next prompt is the original shell, before we ran the start command.

It is convenient to be able to start a Flux instance like this in pretty much any environment, but to reinforce what was alluded to above, the main caveat of a test instance is that it doesn't actually have exclusive access to resources. HWLOC is used to discover what hardware is out there on each broker, but the broker has no way to claim it exclusively. A test instance on a shared login node provides the illusion of exclusive access to jobs run within it, but someone else running a test instance on the same node may be doing the same thing. Furthermore, when the test size is greater than one, the actual hardware resources may be oversubscribed within the single instance.

Let's create a script to run as the initial program in place of the interactive shell. Call this script It runs the same commands as were run above, in a way that works on any size instance.

flux resource info
flux uptime
NNODES=$(flux resource list -no {nnodes})
flux run --label-io -N $NNODES hostname

When we run this way, we get the same result as above, but the user doesn't have to provide any input while the instance is running:

$ flux start --test-size=3 ./
3 Nodes, 12 Cores, 0 GPUs
 10:00:30 run 2.9s,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 3
0: test0
2: test0
1: test0

This is how many of Flux-core's tests work. The initial program is a test script run under a test instance started by the test suite.

Starting with Slurm

When flux-start(1) is run without the --test-size=N option, it simply execs the broker rather than sticking around to provide PMI service. The broker uses its PMI client to determine its place in a parallel program, or if PMI is not found, it runs as a singleton.

So to start a Flux instance in a foreign resource manager, we just run flux-start(1) in parallel as though it were an MPI job, usually with one broker per node in the foreign allocation.


Slurm has a few different options that control the parallel environment for jobs. If your site has not configured MpiDefault=pmi2, then it may be necessary to run flux with the srun --mpi=pmi2 option. If a parallel launch of Flux results in multiple singletons, e.g. reporting 1 node when more were expected, this may help.

In Slurm, we can obtain an allocation with salloc(1). From the interactive shell it spawns, we use srun(1) to start a Flux instance. The --pty option gives Flux's interactive initial program a proper terminal.

$ salloc -N2
salloc: Pending job allocation 1505790
salloc: job 1505790 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 1505790 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 1505790
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes quartz[2257-2258] are ready for job
$ srun -N2 --pty flux start
$ flux uptime
 10:04:05 run 6.6s,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 2
$ flux resource info
2 Nodes, 72 Cores, 0 GPUs
$ flux run -N2 hostname
$ exit
$ exit
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 1505790
salloc: Job allocation 1505790 has been revoked.

After typing the same two Flux commands that were demonstrated in Starting a Test Instance, we exit the Flux interactive shell, then the Slurm one, which gives up the Slurm allocation.

Conceptually, what's going on here is Slurm has granted a resource allocation to Flux, which then parcels it out to the jobs submitted to it.

The above can be accomplished a little more succinctly by just running srun directly. Then the session looks like this:

$ srun -N2 --pty flux start
srun: job 1505791 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 1505791 has been allocated resources
$ flux uptime
 10:05:51 run 4.7s,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 2
$ flux resource info
2 Nodes, 72 Cores, 0 GPUs
$ flux run --label-io -N2 hostname
0: quartz2257
1: quartz2258
$ exit

To run non-interactively, we can drop the --pty option and use our workload script for the initial program:

$ srun -N2 flux start ./
srun: job 1505795 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 1505795 has been allocated resources
 10:07:12 run 4.6s,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 2
2 Nodes, 72 Cores, 0 GPUs
0: quartz25
1: quartz26

Finally, Slurm batch execution of a Flux workload can be accomplished by wrapping the srun command in a batch script we will name

srun flux start ./


$ sbatch ./
Submitted batch job 1505846
$ cat slurm-1505846.out
 10:09:57 run 4.8s,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 2
2 Nodes, 72 Cores, 0 GPUs
0: quartz47
1: quartz48

Inserting Flux between Slurm and a real workload script or workflow executor could have some advantages, such as:

  • Workload scripts that use Flux commands or the Flux python API can be made portable to other systems that don't use Slurm as their primary resource manager, as long as they can launch a Flux instance.

  • High throughput workloads are less of a burden on the Slurm controller and may run faster compared to the same workload run with job steps, since Step Allocation involves an RPC to the Slurm controller.

  • When combined with the flux-sched project, Flux offers more sophisticated step scheduling.

  • A Flux instance may be tailored by the instance owner to meet the specific demands of the workload. For example, the scheduler algorithm may be changed.

To be clear, Flux does not have "steps" per se, only jobs. We don't need them since Flux batch jobs are just regular Flux jobs that happen to be independent Flux instances, and Flux instances have the capability to run more Flux jobs.

Since Slurm runs on many of the largest HPC systems, the capability to launch Flux instances under Slurm provided early opportunities to work on Flux portability and scalability on those systems without requiring much buy-in from the system owners, other than permission to run there.

Starting with Flux

Flux can run parallel programs, and a Flux instance can be run as one, so Flux can run Flux. No surprise there. What does that look like and how is it leveraged to provide expected workload manager abstractions?

First let's try our workload commands in the "outer" Flux instance, in this case a standalone system instance, although this section applies to all Flux instances.

$ flux uptime
 10:13:27 run 23d,  owner flux,  depth 0,  size 101,  7 drained,  8 offline
$ flux resource info
98 Nodes, 392 Cores, 0 GPUs
$ flux run -N2 hostname
$ flux run --label-io -N2 hostname
0: fluke6
1: fluke7

The instance depth is zero since this is the system instance. We also get a heads up about some unavailable nodes, and note that the instance owner is the flux user, but otherwise this looks like before. Now, an interactive Flux allocation:

$ flux alloc -N2
$ flux uptime
 10:16:58 run 7.3s,  owner alice,  depth 1,  size 2
$ flux resource info
2 Nodes, 8 Cores, 0 GPUs
$ flux run -N2 hostname
$ exit

The flux-alloc(1) command spawns a new Flux instance in the allocation automatically. The instance depth is now 1. This is an example of how Flux's recursive launch property simplifies its design: instead of requiring specialized code to support interactive allocations, Flux just transfers the requested resources to a new instance that runs for the life of its initial program, the interactive shell.

As a side note, while flux-alloc(1) provides an interface that is convenient as well as familiar to Slurm users, we could have accomplished the same thing with flux-run(1) and flux-start(1):

$ flux run -N2 -o pty.interactive flux start
$ flux uptime
 10:19:27 run 8.3s,  owner alice,  depth 1,  size 2
$ flux resource info
2 Nodes, 8 Cores, 0 GPUs
$ flux run --label-io -N2 hostname
0: fluke6
1: fluke7
$ exit
[detached: session exiting]

Now let's try batch:

$ flux batch -N2 ./
$ cat flux-f2SoPsfdA7Ub.out
 10:25:05 run 4.8s,  owner alice,  depth 1,  size 2
2 Nodes, 8 Cores, 0 GPUs
0: fluke6
1: fluke7

Like the allocation example, the flux-batch(1) command spawns a new Flux instance that runs for the duration of its initial program, the batch script The Flux design does not require job steps or a specialized step scheduler because of the recursive launch property.

Although flux-batch(1) has other nice features like support for batch directives and copying of the batch script at submission, a similar result can be obtained for this simple example with flux-submit(1) and flux-start(1):

$ flux submit --output=flux-{{id}}.out -N2 flux start ./
$ cat flux-f2SoiFq3N5Jo.out
 11:05:24 run 4.7s,  owner alice,  depth 1,  size 2
2 Nodes, 8 Cores, 0 GPUs
0: fluke6
1: fluke7

Starting with Hydra

MPICH hydra is an MPI launcher with PMI support that can start a Flux instance across multiple nodes using ssh. It is sometimes just the right tool needed to get a Flux instance going when nothing else will work.

Given a hosts file containing:


And assuming passwordless ssh works for those nodes, one can run:

$ mpiexec.hydra -launcher ssh -f hosts flux start ./
 23:23:14 run 3.9s,  owner alice,  depth 0,  size 8
8 Nodes, 32 Cores, 0 GPUs
0: test0
2: test2
1: test1
5: test5
6: test6
7: test7
4: test4
3: test3

Starting with Static Configuration

In the methods described above, Flux brokers determine their ranks and exchange peer network addresses and public keys using PMI. In situations where PMI is unavailable or inappropriate, the same information can be loaded from static configuration files. As an example, we'll start Flux on the same eight nodes from Starting with Hydra.

Generate a shared CURVE certificate that will be used to secure the overlay network:

$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ flux keygen test.cert

Create a TOML config file as described in flux-config-bootstrap(5). We'll call it test.toml. For this experiment, we can place it in the same directory as test.cert:

curve_cert = "/home/bob/test/test.cert"

hosts = [
  { host="test0", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test0:8060" },
  { host="test1", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test1:8060" },
  { host="test2", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test2:8060" },
  { host="test3", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test3:8060" },
  { host="test4", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test4:8060" },
  { host="test5", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test5:8060" },
  { host="test6", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test6:8060" },
  { host="test7", bind="tcp://eth0:8060", connect="tcp://test7:8060" },

If necessary, replicate the test directory across the eight nodes.

Finally, start a broker on each node. You can use any technique you like, but keep in mind the brokers will not exit until the initial program completes, and the initial program will not start until all the brokers are online. We use pdsh(1) to start the brokers in parallel and capture any errors they print to the standard error stream:

$ pdsh -N -w test[0-7] flux start -o,--config-path=/home/bob/test/test.toml ./
8 Nodes, 32 Cores, 0 GPUs
 00:03:31 run 2.5s,  owner bob,  depth 0,  size 8
0: test0
6: test6
7: test7
4: test4
5: test5
1: test1
3: test3
2: test2

This method of starting Flux is used when systemd starts brokers belonging to a Flux system instance. This is described in the Flux Administration Guide. Another example is the Flux Operator, which uses dynamically generated configuration to bootstrap Flux in a Kubernetes cluster.

When compared with PMI bootstrap, this method of starting Flux has the following drawbacks:

  • Managing and sharing the instance-specific files is an extra step.

  • The CURVE certificate must be protected from disclosure to parties other than the Flux instance owner, or an attacker may attach and impersonate the owner.

  • The use of a fixed port number in the configuration raises the possibility that the port may already be in use on one of the nodes, especially if the same configuration file is reused. If a broker cannot bind to its port, it will fail to start.

  • If a broker fails to start, the pdsh command line above may hang. Options are available to deal with this like the broker.quorum setting described in flux-broker-attributes(7).