

The system instance requires that the overlay network configuration be statically configured. The bootstrap TOML table defines these details for a given cluster.


Although flux config reload works on a live system, bootstrap settings do not take effect until the next broker restart. As such, they must only be changed in conjunction with a full system instance restart in order to avoid brokers becoming desynchronized if they are independently restarted before the next instance restart.

Flux brokers are interconnected in a tree topology. A broker has zero or one upstream peer (towards the root, rank 0) and zero or more downstream peers (towards the leaves). A broker passively accepts connections from its downstream peers on its ZeroMQ bind endpoint , and actively connects to its upstream peer on that broker's ZeroMQ connect endpoint, which is the remote version of the peer's bind endpoint.

A broker determines the ranks of its peers based on the topology. When bootstrapping from configuration files, the default topology is custom. In a custom topology, rank 0 is the upstream peer of all other ranks, unless parent keys are present in the hosts array to define a different tree shape. The default topology may be altered from custom by configuring tbon.topo as described in flux-config-tbon(5).

A broker determines its own rank by looking for its hostname in the hosts array. The index of the first matching entry is the broker's rank. The information in the hosts array also provides

  • the bind endpoint that the broker configures to accept connections from downstream peers

  • the connect endpoint it uses to connect to its parent

Each point to point connection between brokers is authenticated and encrypted using ZeroMQ native CURVE cryptography. This requires a shared certificate to bootstrap. This certificate is stored on disk and must be protected from access by users other than the Flux instance owner.

The bootstrap table contains the following keys:



(optional) Boolean value for enabling IPv6. By default only IPv4 is enabled. Note that setting this to true prevents binding to a named interface that only supports IPv4.


(optional) Path to a CURVE certificate generated with flux-keygen(1). The certificate should be identical on all broker ranks. It is required for instance sizes > 1. The file should be owned by the instance owner (e.g. flux user) and only readable by that user.


(optional) The value is an integer port number that is substituted for the token %p in the other keys.


(optional) The value is a ZeroMQ endpoint URI that is used for host entries that do not explicitly set a bind address. The tokens %p and %h are replaced with the default port and the host for the current host entry.


(optional) The value is a ZeroMQ endpoint URI that is used for host entries that do not explicitly set a connect address. The tokens %p and %h are replaced with the default port and the host for the current host entry.


(optional) A rank-ordered array of host entries. Each entry is a TOML table containing, at minimum, a host key and optionally, connect and bind keys. These keys are described in detail below. The array is required to be defined for instance sizes > 1.


Each hosts array entry contains the following keys:


(required) The name of the host that corresponds to this entry. The value must exactly match the output of the hostname(1) command.


(optional) The ZeroMQ endpoint that downstream peers use to connect to this broker. The value may contain %h and %p tokens as described under default_connect above. If the key is omitted, default_connect is used.


(optional) The ZeroMQ endpoint that this broker uses to accept connections from downstream peers. The value may contain %h and %p tokens as described under default_bind above. If the key is omitted, default_bind is used.


(optional) The name of the host that is the upstream peer of this entry in the overlay network tree topology.


Brokers use the zmq_tcp(7) transport, consisting of the transport name tcp:// followed by an address.

Bind addresses specify interface followed by a colon and the TCP port. The interface may be one of:

  • the wild-card * meaning all available interfaces

  • the primary IP address assigned to the interface (numeric only)

  • the interface name

The port should be an explicit numerical port number.

Connect addresses specify a peer address followed by a colon and the TCP port. The peer address may be one of:

  • the DNS name of the peer

  • the IP address of the peer in its numeric representation

When specifying the bind and connect URIs for a hosts entry, ensure that another host can use the connect URI to reach the Flux service bound to the bind address on the host.


Since it would be tedious to repeat host entries for every compute node in a large cluster, the hosts array may be abbreviated using RFC 29 hostlists. For example, the list of hosts foo0, foo1, foo2, foo3, foo18, foo4, foo20 can be represented as "foo[0-3,18,4,20]".


The following example is a simple, two node cluster with a fully specified hosts array.


curve_cert = "/etc/flux/system/curve.cert"

hosts = [
    { host="foo", bind="tcp://eth0:9001", connect="tcp://" },
    { host = "bar" },

Host foo is assigned rank 0, and binds to the interface eth0 port 9001.

Host bar is assigned rank 1, and connects to port 9001.

The following example represents a 256 node cluster. The management node has a different network interface configuration compared to its peers.


curve_cert = "/etc/flux/system/curve.cert"

default_port = 8050
default_bind = "tcp://en0:%p"
default_connect = "tcp://e%h:%p"

hosts = [
    # Management requires non-default config
    { host="test0", bind="tcp://en4:9001", connect="tcp://test-mgmt:9001" },

    # Other nodes use defaults
    { host = "test[1-255]" },

The following example is a 256 node cluster that uses the parent key to create a tree topology with three levels.


curve_cert = "/etc/flux/system/curve.cert"

default_port = 8050
default_bind = "tcp://en0:%p"
default_connect = "tcp://e%h:%p"

host = "test[0-255]"
host = "test[1,128]"
parent = "test0"
host = "test[2-127]"
parent = "test1"
host = "test[129-255]"
parent = "test128"


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-core/issues


29/Hostlist Format

