

The policy table captures general site preferences for job request defaults and limits, as described in RFC 33.

Each queue defined in the queues table described in flux-config-queues(5) may have a policy sub-table that follows the same rules as the main table. The per-queue table overrides the general table for jobs submitted to that queue.


Default values for job requests may be configured in the policy.jobspec.defaults.system table. If a job request does not specify a value for a system attribute that is configured in the table, the configured value is substituted. Currently the following values are allowed:

policy.jobspec.defaults.system.duration (FSD string)

(optional) If a job is submitted without specifying a job duration, this value is substituted.

policy.jobspec.defaults.system.queue (string)

(optional) If a job is submitted without specifying a queue name, this value is substituted.


Limits may be configured in the policy.limits table. Job requests are rejected at submission time if they violate configured limits.


It is possible to set a queue-specific limit to an unlimited value, and thereby defeat a configured general limit for jobs submitted to that queue. The actual value used to indicate unlimited varies by limit type and is noted below.

policy.limits.duration (FSD string)

(optional) Maximum duration that a job may request ("0" = unlimited).


Limit checks take place before the scheduler sees the request, so it is possible to bypass a node limit by requesting only cores, or the core limit by requesting only nodes (exclusively) since this part of the system does not have detailed resource information. Generally node and core limits should be configured in tandem to be effective on resource sets with uniform cores per node. Flux does not yet have a solution for node/core limits on heterogeneous resources.

policy.limits.job-size.max.nnodes (integer)

(optional) Maximum number of nodes that may be requested (-1 = unlimited).

policy.limits.job-size.max.ncores (integer)

(optional) Maximum number of cores that may be requested (-1 = unlimited).

policy.limits.job-size.max.ngpus (integer)

(optional) Maximum number of GPUs that may be requested (-1 = unlimited).

policy.limits.job-size.min.nnodes (integer)

(optional) Minimum number of nodes that may be requested (-1 = unlimited).

policy.limits.job-size.min.ncores (integer)

(optional) Minimum number of cores that may be requested (-1 = unlimited).

policy.limits.job-size.min.ngpus (integer)

(optional) Minimum number of GPUs that may be requested (-1 = unlimited).


duration = "1h"
queue = "batch"

duration = "4h"
job-size.max.nnodes = 8
job-size.max.ngpus = 4

duration = "30m"
job-size.max.ngpus = -1  # unlimited



Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc


23/Flux Standard Duration

33/Flux Job Queues

