flux.job.JobID module
- class flux.job.JobID.JobID(value)
Class used to represent a Flux JOBID
JobID is a subclass of int, so may be used in place of integer. However, a JobID may be created from any valid RFC 19 FLUID encoding, including:
decimal integer (no prefix)
hexadecimal integer (prefix 0x)
dotted hex (dothex) (xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx)
kvs dir (dotted hex with job. prefix)
RFC19 F58: (Base58 encoding with prefix ƒ or f)
basemoji (emoji encoding)
A JobID object also has properties for encoding a JOBID into each of the above representations, e.g. jobid.f85, jobid.words, jobid.dothex...
- property dec
Return decimal integer representation of a JobID
- property dothex
Return dotted hexadecimal representation of a JobID
- property emoji
Return emoji representation of a JobID
- encode(encoding='dec')
Encode a JobID to alternate supported format
- property f58
Return RFC19 F58 representation of a JobID
- property f58plain
Return RFC19 F58 representation of a JobID with ASCII prefix
- property hex
Return 0x-prefixed hexadecimal representation of a JobID
- property kvs
Return KVS directory path of a JobID
- property orig
Return the original string used to create the JobID
- property words
Return words (mnemonic) representation of a JobID
- flux.job.JobID.id_encode(jobid, encoding='f58')
returns: Jobid encoded in encoding :rtype str
- flux.job.JobID.id_parse(jobid_str)
returns: An integer jobid :rtype int