Flux Python Basics
Importing the flux
Python package
The flux
package may now be installed via pip using the
Flux's Python bindings are available with any installation of Flux.
If you want to import the package from outside of a Flux instance,
running /path/to/flux env | grep PYTHONPATH
in your shell will show you
what PYTHONPATH would be set to if you were running in a Flux instance
built/installed at /path/to/flux
Note however that if you import the flux
package from outside a Flux
instance, you will need to specify a Flux instance to communicate with,
or most of the package's operations will fail.
The Flux class
Almost all of the functionality of the flux
package revolves around
objects, often called "Flux handles", which represent a
connection to a Flux instance.
It is possible to simultaneously have multiple connections open
to the same Flux instance, or to multiple
Flux instances.
Flux handles are not thread-safe and should not be shared between threads.
In addition to the methods defined on flux.Flux
objects, the flux
package also provides a number of functions which accept
objects as arguments, such as the functions described
- class flux.core.handle.Flux(url=_flux._core.ffi.NULL, flags=0, handle=None)
The general Flux handle class, create one of these to connect to the nearest enclosing flux instance
>>> flux.Flux() <flux.core.Flux object at 0x...>
- Parameters
uri (str) -- A fully-qualified native path as returned by flux-uri(1), or a path-like string that references any ancestor in the current hierarchy, e.g.
refers to the root instance,..
refers to the parent,../..
the parent's parent and so on. See flux_open(3) for more details.flags (int) -- flags as described in flux_open(3).
- add_watcher(watcher)
Add a reference to a watcher so it avoids garbage collection
- close()
The underlying flux handle is automatically closed when a Flux instance is deconstructed. Prevent users from manually closing, the handle, leading to a double free.
- conf_get(key=None, default=None, update=False)
Access Flux configuration via this handle. On first use, the configuration is fetched synchronously from the broker, then cached in this
object. To force the configuration to be updated, passupdate=True
.Example: >>> print(handle.conf_get("tbon.topo", default="kary:32"))
- Parameters
key (str) -- key to get from configuration in dotted-string form, e.g.
. If None, then the entire config will be returned. Default is None.default (obj) -- value to return if
is not set. (default=None)update (bool) -- Force an update of the internal conf dict. (default=False)
- del_watcher(watcher)
Remove ref to
so it is eligible for garbage collection
- event_create(topic, payload=None)
Create a new event message.
- Parameters
topic -- A string, the event's topic
payload -- If a string, the payload is used unmodified, if it is another type json.dumps() is used to stringify it
- event_send(topic, payload=None)
Create and send a new event in one step
- event_subscribe(topic)
Subscribe to events
- Parameters
topic (str, bytes, or unicode) -- The event's topic to subscribe to
- Raises
EnvironmentError -- if the topic is None or NULL
TypeError -- if the topic is not a str, bytes, or unicode
- log(level, fstring)
Log to the flux logging facility
- Parameters
level -- A syslog log-level, check the syslog module for possible values
fstring -- A string to log, C-style formatting is not supported
- classmethod raise_if_exception()
Re-raise any class global exception if set
If a global exception is currently set for the Flux handle class, re-raise it and reset the exception state to None.
The exception is raised
from None
to preserve the original stack trace.
- reactor_run(reactor=None, flags=0)
Run reactor associated with this Flux handle or reactor argument if it is provided. Sets a signal watcher for SIGINT to return from the reactor on Ctrl-C, and raise KeyboardInterrupt.
- classmethod reactor_running()
Return True if this thread is running the Flux reactor
- recv(type_mask=<bound method ? of <flux.core.inner.Core object>>, match_tag=<bound method ? of <flux.core.inner.Core object>>, topic_glob=None, flags=0)
Receive a message, returns a flux.Message containing the result or None
- respond(message, payload=None)
Respond to a flux rpc
- Parameters
message (Message) -- The message to respond to
payload (None, str, bytes, unicode, or json-serializable) -- The (optional) payload to include in the response
- rpc(topic, payload=None, nodeid=<bound method ? of <flux.core.inner.Core object>>, flags=0)
Create a new RPC object
- send(message, flags=0)
Send a pre-constructed flux message
- classmethod set_exception(exception)
Set a global, per-thread exception for Flux
This class method allows Python callbacks called from the Flux reactor to set a global exception which can be re-thrown after the return to Python (when reactor_run() returns). This is implemented as a class attribute since the Flux handle object which is available in a Python callback from C will be a different instantiation than the Flux handle object which started the reactor (with the same underlying flux_t however)
- Parameters
exception (Exception) -- A reference to the exception thrown.
- Returns
The previously set exception, or None
- Return type
The Flux reactor
Content coming soon.