



Connections to Flux are established via a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) which is passed to the flux_open(3) API call. These native URIs indicate the "connector" which will be used to establish the connection, and are typically either local, with a local URI scheme, or remote, with a ssh URI scheme. These URIs are considered fully-resolved, native Flux URIs.

Processes running within a Flux instance will have the FLUX_URI environment variable set to a native URI which flux_open(3) will use by default, with fallback to a compiled-in native URI for the system instance of Flux. Therefore, there is usually no need to specify a URI when connecting to the enclosing instance. However, connecting to a different Flux instance will require discovery of the fully-resolved URI for that instance.

flux uri attempts to resolve its TARGET argument to a native local or remote URI. The TARGET is itself a URI which specifies the method to use in URI resolution via the scheme part, with the path and query parts passed to a plugin which implements the resolution method.

As a convenience, if TARGET is specified with no scheme, then the scheme is assumed to be jobid. This allows flux uri to be used to look up the URI for a Flux instance running as a job in the current enclosing instance with:

$ flux uri JOBID

Depending on the TARGET URI scheme and corresponding plugin, specific query arguments in TARGET may be supported. However, as a convenience, all TARGET URIs support the special query arguments local or remote to force the resulting URI into a local (local://) or remote (ssh://) form. For example:

$ flux uri JOBID?local

would return the local:// URI for JOBID (if the URI can be resolved).

A special environment variable FLUX_URI_RESOLVE_LOCAL will force flux uri to always resolve URIs to local form. This is often useful if the local connector is known to be on the local system (i.e. within a test Flux instance), and ssh to localhost does not work.

A list of supported URI schemes will be listed at the bottom of flux uri --help message. For a description of the URI resolver schemes included with Flux, see the URI SCHEMES and EXAMPLES sections below.



Return the remote (ssh://) equivalent of the resolved URI.


Return the local (local://) equivalent of the resolved URI. Warning: the resulting URI may be invalid for the current system if the network host specified by an ssh URI is not the current host.


The following URI schemes are included by default:


This scheme attempts to get the URI for a Flux instance running as a job in the current enclosing instance. This is the assumed scheme if no scheme: is provided in TARGET passed to flux uri, so the jobid: prefix is optional. A hierarchy of Flux jobids is supported, so f1234/f3456 will resolve the URI for job f3456 running in job f1234 in the current instance. This scheme will raise an error if the target job is not running.


This scheme attempts to read the FLUX_URI value from the process id PID using /proc/PID/environ. If PID refers to a flux-broker, then the scheme reads FLUX_URI from the broker's initial program or another child process since FLUX_URI in the broker's environment would refer to its parent (or may not be set at all in the case of a test instance started with flux start --test-size=N).


This scheme makes a best-effort to resolve the URI of a Flux instance launched under Slurm. It invokes srun to run scontrol listpids on the first node of the job, and then uses the pid resolver until it finds a valid FLUX_URI.


To get the URI of a job in the current instance in its local:// form:

$ flux uri --local ƒN8Pz2xVu


$ flux uri ƒN8Pz2xVu?local

Get the URI of a nested job:

$ flux uri ƒqxxTiZBM/ƒr2XFWP?local


With the jobid resolver, ?local only needs to be placed on the last component of the jobid "path" or hierarchy. This will resolve each URI in turn as a local URI.

Get the URI of a local flux-broker

$ flux uri pid:$(pidof -s flux-broker)

Get the URI for a Flux instance running as a Slurm job:

$ flux uri slurm:7843494


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc