

flux overlay status [-v] [--timeout=FSD] [--rank=N]
flux overlay errors [--timeout=FSD]
flux overlay lookup target
flux overlay parentof rank
flux overlay disconnect [--parent=RANK] target
flux overlay trace [-f] [-r rank] [-t TYPE,...] [topic-glob]


flux overlay is a utility for the Flux tree based overlay network.



flux overlay status reports the current status of the tree based overlay network. The possible status values are shown in SUBTREE STATUS below.

-r, --rank=[RANK]

Check health of sub-tree rooted at NODEID (default 0).

-v, --verbose=[LEVEL]

Increase reporting detail: 1=show time since current state was entered, 2=show round-trip RPC times.

-t, --timeout=FSD

Set RPC timeout, 0=disable (default 0.5s)


Show only the root sub-tree status.


Show only the partial/degraded sub-trees.


Do not indent entries and use line drawing characters to show overlay tree structure


Do not fill in presumed state of nodes that are inaccessible behind offline/lost overlay parents.

-L, --color=WHEN

Colorize output when supported; WHEN can be 'always' (default if omitted), 'never', or 'auto' (default).

-H, --highlight=TARGET

Highlight one or more targets and their ancestors.

-w, --wait=STATE

Wait until sub-tree enters STATE before reporting (full, partial, offline, degraded, lost).


flux overlay errors summarizes any errors recorded for lost or offline nodes. The output consists of one line per unique error with a hostlist prefix.

-t, --timeout=FSD

Set RPC timeout, 0=disable (default 0.5s)


Translate a hostlist target to a rank idset or a rank idset target to hostlist.


Show the parent of rank.


Disconnect a subtree rooted at target (hostname or rank).

-r, --parent=NODEID

Set parent rank to NODEID. By default, the parent is determined from the topology.


Display message summaries for messages transmitted and received on the overlay network. A topic string glob pattern may be supplied as a positional argument.

-f, --full

Include JSON payload in output, if any. Payloads that are not JSON are not displayed.

-r, --rank=NODEID

Filter output by overlay network peer rank. Note that this rank is not necessarily the same as the message source or destination.

-t, --type=TYPE,...

Filter output by message type, a comma-separated list. Valid types are request, response, event, or control.

-L, --color=WHEN

Colorize output when supported; WHEN can be always (default if omitted), never, or auto (default).

-H, --human

Display human-readable output. See also --color and --delta.

-d, --delta

With --human, display the time delta between messages instead of a relative offset since the last absolute timestamp.


By default, flux overlay status shows the status of the full Flux instance in graphical form, e.g.

$ flux overlay status
0 test0: partial
├─ 1 test1: offline
├─ 2 test2: full
├─ 3 test3: full
├─ 4 test4: full
├─ 5 test5: offline
├─ 6 test6: full
└─ 7 test7: offline

The time in the current state is reported if -v is added, e.g.

$ flux overlay status -v
0 test0: partial for 2.55448m
├─ 1 test1: offline for 12.7273h
├─ 2 test2: full for 2.55484m
├─ 3 test3: full for 18.2725h
├─ 4 test4: full for 18.2777h
├─ 5 test5: offline for 12.7273h
├─ 6 test6: full for 18.2784h
└─ 7 test7: offline for 12.7273h

Round trip RPC times are shown with -vv, e.g.

0 test0: partial for 4.15692m (2.982 ms)
├─ 1 test1: offline for 12.754h
├─ 2 test2: full for 4.15755m (2.161 ms)
├─ 3 test3: full for 18.2992h (2.332 ms)
├─ 4 test4: full for 18.3045h (2.182 ms)
├─ 5 test5: offline for 12.754h
├─ 6 test6: full for 18.3052h (2.131 ms)
└─ 7 test7: offline for 12.754h

At times an error summary for lost nodes may be useful, e.g.

$ flux overlay errors
test[2,5]: lost connection
test[6-7]: lost parent

A broker that is not responding but is not shown as lost or offline may be forcibly disconnected from the overlay network with

$ flux overlay disconnect 2
flux-overlay: asking test0 (rank 0) to disconnect child test2 (rank 2)

However, before doing that it may be useful to see if a broker acting as a router to that node is actually the problem. The parent of a broker rank may be listed with

$ flux overlay parentof 2

Finally, translation between hostnames and broker ranks is accomplished with

$ flux overlay lookup 2
$ flux overlay lookup test2


The possible overlay subtree status values are:


Node is online and no children are in partial, offline, degraded, or lost state.


Node is online, and some children are in partial or offline state; no children are in degraded or lost state.


Node is online, and some children are in degraded or lost state.


Node has gone missing, from the parent perspective.


Node has not yet joined the instance, or has been cleanly shut down.


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-core/issues


3/Flux Message Protocol

