

The following environment variables are set by Flux or influence Flux.


The following are set in the environment of each task spawned by flux-shell(1) as part of a Flux job.


The current jobid in F58 form. F58 is a compact, non-numeric representation of Flux's 64-bit integer jobid. If the numeric form is required, use e.g.:

NUMERIC_JOB_ID=$(flux job id $FLUX_JOB_ID)

The number of tasks in the current job.


The total number of nodes hosting tasks on behalf of the current job.


FLUX_JOB_NNODES is more precisely defined as the total number of flux-shell(1) processes running tasks on behalf of the current job. Normally one shell is started per broker, and one broker is started per node. However, in rare test setups, a large Flux instance is mocked by running multiple brokers per node. In that case, this variable may not represent the physical node count.


The zero-origin, global rank for this task. Tasks are assigned ranks using a "block" algorithm by default, although flux submit --taskmap may select other mapping algorithms.

Example: 8 tasks on 2 nodes with block and cyclic task mapping:


Node 0

Node 1


0, 1, 2, 3

4, 5, 6, 7


0, 2, 4, 6

1, 3, 5, 7


The zero-origin, local (to the node) rank for this task.

Example: 8 tasks on 2 nodes:

Node 0

Node 1

0, 1, 2, 3

0, 1, 2, 3


When flux submit --cc or flux bulksubmit --cc is used to submit a set of jobs, FLUX_JOB_CC is set to the the integer id of the current job in the set.


The path of a per-job temporary directory that is created on each host node before any tasks are started, and cleaned up after all tasks have exited. All a job's tasks on a given node share the same directory.


Each job is assigned a unique, job-owner-writable Flux KVS key space that is independent of the default (primary) one and persists as such while the job is in the RUNNING state. This environment variable is interpreted by the Flux KVS API and therefore flux-kvs(1) as a directive to treat all operations as rooted in that space. The job exec service and the job shell record the job's input, output, and a log of events in this space.

After the job completes, the job's namespace is added to the primary namespace and becomes part of the read-only job record.


The pmi shell plugin sets these variables in the job environment to aid in the bootstrap of parallel programs. They are not set when the simple PMI server is disabled, e.g. with flux run -opmi=none.

The PMI_* variables are standard for PMI-1 and are described in Flux RFC 13.

FLUX_PMI_LIBRARY_PATH is set to the full path of Flux's libpmi.so shared library, which is normally not installed to standard system paths. This exists as an aid to the pre-v5 OpenMPI Flux MCA plugins so that an MPI program running under Flux knows where to dlopen() the library for bootstrap.


The gpubind shell plugin sets these variables in the job environment to assign GPU devices to tasks. They are not set when GPU affinity is disabled with flux run -ogpu-affinity=off.


FLUX_URI overrides the default, compiled-in broker socket path in the Flux API, and by extension all the Flux commands. In the job environment, it points to the local broker responsible for the job.


The flux-alloc(1) interactive shell and the flux-batch(1) batch script are examples of Flux initial programs. Flux does not set many environment variables for the initial program. In fact, the following are actively unset to avoid confusion when they are set by the enclosing instance:

The FLUX_URI variable is set, however, so Flux commands can be used as needed from the initial program to obtain information they might get via the environment in other workload managers, for example:

BATCH_NNODES=$(flux resource list -n -o {nnodes})
BATCH_NCORES=$(flux resource list -n -o {ncores})
BATCH_NGPUS=$(flux resource list -n -o {ngpus})
BATCH_HOSTLIST=$(flux getattr hostlist)
BATCH_JOBID=$(flux getattr jobid)


The flux-broker(1) is capable of bootstrapping from configuration or using a PMI client, similar to the way an MPI program bootstraps. The broker's PMI client is separate from the flux-shell(1) PMI server offered to parallel programs launched by Flux. The following environment variables affect the broker's PMI client.


When set (to any value) in the broker's environment, PMI client tracing is enabled, causing PMI operations that occur during broker bootstrap to be logged to standard error.


Flux iterates through a list of PMI client implementations to find one that works. By default the list is simple libpmi2 libpmi single. The sequence can be altered by setting this variable to a space-delimited list of client implementations. The built-in ones are:


Use the PMI-1 simple wire protocol.


dlopen() libpmi2.so and use the PMI-2 API, optionally at a specific PATH.


dlopen() libpmi.so and use the PMI-1 API, optionally at a specific PATH.


Become a singleton. This always succeeds so should be the last method.


A colon-separated list of directories to search for PMI client plugins. Client plugins can be packaged separately from flux-core.


When bootstrapping with PMI, the broker dynamically selects an TCP address to bind to for overlay network communication, which it then exchanges with peers using PMI. By default, it tries to use the address associated with the default route. Setting this variable to any value in the broker's environment directs it to prefer the address associated with the system hostname(1) instead.


When dynamically selecting an address to use with PMI, the broker prefers IP version 4 addresses. Setting this variable to any value in the broker's environment causes it to prefer version 6 addresses.


Force PMI bootstrap to assign the broker an address associated with a particular network interface, like eth0.


Sites and individual users may create custom output formats for some Flux commands. The formats are expressed in configuration files with a base name of the command name plus a .toml, .yaml, or .json extension, stored in directories that follow the XDG Base Directory Specification.

Named formats are merged and/or overridden in the following order:

  1. internal defaults

  2. config files found in a flux sub-directory of the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS directories

  3. config files found in a flux sub-directory of XDG_CONFIG_HOME

For more information on named formats see the individual command documentation and the CONFIGURATION section of flux-jobs(1).


A colon-separated, preference-ordered list of base directories to search for configuration files in addition to the XDG_CONFIG_HOME base directory. If unset, /etc/xdg is used.


The base directory for user-specific configuration files. If unset, $HOME/.config is used.


In addition to registering custom named formats, users and sites can change the default output format to one of the named formats by setting an environment variable to the format name. The above variables affect the default output of flux-jobs(1), flux-resource(1), flux-queue(1), and flux-pgrep(1).


The following environment variables are primarily useful when debugging Flux components or writing tests.


If set in the environment of a Flux component, the FLUX_O_TRACE flag is automatically set in any call to flux_open(3). This causes decoded messages passed over the flux_t handle to be decoded and printed on standard error.


If set in the environment of a Flux component, the FLUX_O_MATCHDEBUG flag is automatically set in any call to flux_open(3). This causes a diagnostic to be printed to standard error if any matchtags are leaked when the broker connection is closed.


Mock a user. If set to a numerical user ID in the environment of a Flux component, all messages sent by the component appear to have been sent by this user. This is useful for testing code that authorizes actions based on the identity of the requesting user. This is restricted to the instance owner.


Mock a rolemask (capability set). If set to a decimal or hex (0x prefixed) value in the environment of a Flux component, all messages sent by the component are stamped with this rolemask. This is useful for testing code that authorizes actions based on the possession of particular roles. This is restricted to the instance owner.


When Flux bootstraps from a configuration file as described in flux-config-bootstrap(5), a flux-broker(1) determines its rank by looking up its own hostname in a hosts array and using the array index as its rank. To allow this to be tested on a single node, FLUX_FAKE_HOSTNAME may be set in the broker's environment to use the specified name instead of the result of gethostname(3). Use of this capability in test is simplified by the flux start --test-hosts option.


Flux discovers available resources dynamically using HWLOC. In some cases dynamic discovery is not desired, such as when it causes poor performance in parallel testing. Flux may be directed to read topology from an XML file instead by setting FLUX_HWLOC_XMLFILE to the file path.

flux resource reload offers a related mechanism for loading a set of HWLOC xml files directly into the instance resource inventory for test scenarios.


If set, force flux-uri(1) and the URI resolver embedded in other commands to resolve URIs to local form. This is useful in test environments where the remote connector does not work.


If set, flux-resource(1) uses the specified RPC topic string instead of resource.sched-status. This is used in test to verify that the sched.resource-status RPC used in earlier releases still works for backwards compatibility.



A locale or terminal misconfiguration can cause the ƒ character used in Flux jobids to be rendered incorrectly. As a workaround, set this variable and ASCII f is used instead.


If set in in the flux-broker(1) environment, configuration files matching *.toml are loaded from the specified directory. The flux broker --config-path option does that too, and is more flexible in that it can also load single files in TOML or JSON format.


If set, never show the status line in flux job attach output.


When flux-proxy(1) connects to a remote instance, it sets this variable to the authority part of the remote URI. This serves as a hint to flux_attr_get(3) to transform the value of the parent-uri broker attribute into a remote URI so it can work from the remote proxy environment. For example:

$ flux alloc -N1
f(s=1,d=1) $ flux getattr parent-uri
$ flux proxy $(flux job last)
ƒ(s=1,d=1) $ printenv FLUX_PROXY_REMOTE
ƒ(s=1,d=1) $ flux getattr parent-uri

The current terminus session ID. A terminus session is started when the job has an interactive pseudo-terminal, which occurs when a job is run with flux run -o pty.interactive, or when a Flux instance is started with flux-alloc(1).


If set to a colon-separated list of directories, the installed flux-broker(1) rc scripts search these directories for additional scripts to run during broker initialization and finalization.

Specifically the rc1 script runs rc1.d/* in each directory and the rc3 script runs rc3.d/* in each directory.


Set to a colon-separated list of directories to be added to the directories that flux-shell(1) searches for lua scripts to extend its initrc.


Override the compiled-in path to the ssh executable used by the ssh connector. The ssh connector is invoked when attempting to open a connection to Flux with a URI that begins with ssh://.


Override the heuristically-determined remote path to the flux(1) command front end executable used by the ssh connector to start flux relay on the remote system.


flux-exec(1) sets this to point to the Flux instance owner's D-Bus instance, to ensure that a remote invocation of systemctl --user accesses the service manager for the Flux instance owner. This is helpful when debugging a system instance configured to launch jobs with systemd, as described in flux-config-exec(5).


flux(1) sets up the environment for sub-commands using a combination of compiled-in install paths and the environment.


The PREPEND versions of environment variables below may be necessary when developing and testing a new version of a Flux command (FLUX_EXEC_PATH_PREPEND), module (FLUX_MODULE_PATH_PREPEND), connector (FLUX_CONNECTOR_PATH_PREPEND), or Python module (FLUX_PYTHONPATH_PREPEND) when an existing version of that component is already installed in the system default paths. Otherwise, the installed component would always be used by the system Flux, since the installed paths are always placed first in the subcommand environment created by flux(1).


flux(1) finds sub-command executables by searching:


Values may include multiple directories separated by colons.


FLUX_MODULE_PATH is set in the environment of the broker so that broker modules can be found and loaded when requested by flux-module(1):


Values may include multiple directories separated by colons.


FLUX_CONNECTOR_PATH is set in the environment of sub-commands so that flux_open(3) can find the connector corresponding to the URI scheme:


Values may include multiple directories separated by colons.


PYTHONPATH is set so that sub-commands can find required Python libraries:


Values may include multiple directories separated by colons.


Flux commands written in Python further modify Python's sys.path to ensure that interpreter default paths appear before any custom values set in PYTHONPATH. This is an attempt to avoid incompatible modules interfering with the operation of Flux commands. If it becomes necessary to force a non-standard module first in the search path (e.g. for testing, instrumentation, etc.) then FLUX_PYTHONPATH_PREPEND should be used.


LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH are set so that sub-commands can find required Lua libraries. They are set, respectively, to

$FLUX_LUA_PATH_PREPEND ; install-path ; $LUA_PATH ;;

$FLUX_LUA_CPATH_PREPEND ; install-path ; $LUA_CPATH ;;

Values may include multiple directories separated by semicolons.


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

