

flux event pub [--raw] [--synchronous] [--private] topic [payload]
flux event sub [--count=N] topic...


Flux events are messages that are broadcast throughout the Flux instance with publish/subscribe semantics. Each event message has a topic string and an optional payload.

Subscriptions are by topic string. A subscription topic of length N matches an event if the first N characters of the event topic are identical to that of the subscription. For example the event topic a.b.c is matched by the subscription topic a.b.c, a.b, or a. A subscription to the empty string matches all events.



Publish an event on topic with optional payload. If payload is specified, it is interpreted as JSON unless other options are selected. If the payload spans multiple arguments, the arguments are concatenated with one space between them.

-r, --raw

Interpret event payload as raw instead of JSON.

-s, --synchronous

Wait for the event's sequence number to be assigned before exiting.

-l, --loopback

Subscribe to the published event and wait for it to be received before exiting.

-p, --private

Set the privacy flag on the published event.

Example: publish an event with topic foo.hello and no payload:

flux event pub foo.hello


Subscribe to events matching the topic string(s) provided on the command line. If none are specified, subscribe to all events. Events are displayed one per line: the topic string, followed by a tab, followed by the payload, if any.

-c, --count=N

Print the first N events on stdout and exit. Otherwise events are processed until a signal is received.

Example: subscribe to all events with topic prefix of foo.:

flux event sub foo.


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc


3/Flux Message Protocol