

flux cancel [OPTIONS] [JOBID...]


flux cancel cancels one or more jobs by raising a job exception of type=cancel. An optional message included with the cancel exception may be provided via the --message option. Canceled jobs are immediately sent SIGTERM followed by SIGKILL after a configurable timeout (default=5s).

flux cancel can target multiple jobids by either taking them on the command line, or via the selection options --all, --user, or --states. It is an error to provide jobids on the command line and use one or more of the selection options.

By default --all will target all jobs for the current user. To target all jobs for all users, use --user=all (only the instance owner is allowed to use --user=all). To see how many jobs flux cancel would kill, use the --dry-run option.


-n, --dry-run

Do not cancel any jobs, but print a message indicating how many jobs would have been canceled.

-m, --message=NOTE

Set an optional exception note.

-u, --user=USER

Set target user. The instance owner may specify all for all users.

-S, --states=STATES

Set target job states (default: active). Valid states include depend, priority, sched, run, pending, running, active.

-q, --quiet

Suppress output if no jobs match


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc