

#include <flux/core.h>

typedef void (*flux_future_init_f)(flux_future_t *f,
                                   flux_reactor_t *r,
                                   void *arg);

flux_future_t *flux_future_create (flux_future_init_f cb, void *arg);

void flux_future_fulfill (flux_future_t *f,
                          void *result,
                          flux_free_f free_fn);

void flux_future_fulfill_error (flux_future_t *f,
                                int errnum,
                                const char *errstr);

void flux_future_fulfill_with (flux_future_t *f, flux_future_t *p);

void flux_future_fatal_error (flux_future_t *f,
                              int errnum,
                              const char *errstr);

void *flux_future_aux_get (flux_future_t *f, const char *name);

int flux_future_aux_set (flux_future_t *f,
                         const char *name,
                         void *aux,
                         flux_free_f destroy);

void flux_future_set_reactor (flux_future_t *f, flux_t *h);

flux_reactor_t *flux_future_get_reactor (flux_future_t *f);

void flux_future_set_flux (flux_future_t *f, flux_t *h);

flux_t *flux_future_get_flux (flux_future_t *f);

Link with -lflux-core.


See flux_future_get(3) for general functions that operate on futures. This page covers functions primarily used when building classes that return futures.

A Flux future represents some activity that may be completed with reactor watchers and/or message handlers. It is intended to be returned by other classes as a handle for synchronization and a container for results. This page describes the future interfaces used by such classes.

A class that returns a future usually provides a creation function that internally calls flux_future_create(), and may provide functions to access class-specific result(s), that internally call flux_future_get(3). The create function internally registers a flux_future_init_f function that is called lazily by the future implementation to perform class-specific reactor setup, such as installing watchers and message handlers.

flux_future_create() creates a future and registers the class-specific initialization callback cb, and an opaque argument arg that will be passed to cb. The purpose of the initialization callback is to set up class-specific watchers on a reactor obtained with flux_future_get_reactor(), or message handlers on a flux_t handle obtained with flux_future_get_flux(), or both. flux_future_get_reactor() and flux_future_get_flux() return different results depending on whether the initialization callback is triggered by a user calling flux_future_then(3) or flux_future_wait_for(3). The function may be triggered in one or both contexts, at most once for each. The watchers or message handlers must eventually call flux_future_fulfill(), flux_future_fulfill_error(), or flux_future_fatal_error() to fulfill the future. See REACTOR CONTEXTS below for more information.

flux_future_fulfill() fulfills the future, assigning an opaque result value with optional destructor free_fn to the future. A NULL result is valid and also fulfills the future. The result is contained within the future and can be accessed with flux_future_get(3) as needed until the future is destroyed.

flux_future_fulfill_error() fulfills the future, assigning an errnum value and an optional error string. After the future is fulfilled with an error, flux_future_get(3) will return -1 with errno set to errnum.

flux_future_fulfill_with() fulfills the target future f using a fulfilled future p. This function copies the pending result or error from p into f, and adds read-only access to the aux items for p from f. This ensures that any get method which requires aux items for p will work with f. This function takes a reference to the source future p, so it safe to call flux_future_destroy(3) on p after this call. flux_future_fulfill_with() returns -1 on error with errno set on failure.

flux_future_fulfill(), flux_future_fulfill_with(), and flux_future_fulfill_error() can be called multiple times to queue multiple results or errors. When callers access future results via flux_future_get(3), results or errors will be returned in FIFO order. It is an error to call flux_future_fulfill_with() multiple times on the same target future f with a different source future p.

flux_future_fatal_error() fulfills the future, assigning an errnum value and an optional error string. Unlike flux_future_fulfill_error() this fulfillment can only be called once and takes precedence over all other fulfillments. It is used for catastrophic error paths in future fulfillment.

flux_future_aux_set() attaches application-specific data to the parent object f. It stores data aux by key name, with optional destructor destroy. The destructor, if non-NULL, is called when the parent object is destroyed, or when key is overwritten by a new value. If aux is NULL, the destructor for a previous value, if any is called, but no new value is stored. If name is NULL, aux is stored anonymously.

flux_future_aux_get() retrieves application-specific data by name. If the data was stored anonymously, it cannot be retrieved.

Names beginning with "flux::" are reserved for internal use.

flux_future_set_reactor() may be used to associate a Flux reactor with a future. The reactor (or a temporary one, depending on the context) may be retrieved using flux_future_get_reactor().

flux_future_set_flux() may be used to associate a Flux broker handle with a future. The handle (or a clone associated with a temporary reactor, depending on the context) may be retrieved using flux_future_get_flux().

Futures may "contain" other futures, to arbitrary depth. That is, an init callback may create futures and use their continuations to fulfill the containing future in the same manner as reactor watchers and message handlers.


Internally, a future can operate in two reactor contexts. The initialization callback may be called in either or both contexts, depending on which synchronization functions are called by the user. flux_future_get_reactor() and flux_future_get_flux() return a result that depends on which context they are called from.

When the user calls flux_future_then(3), this triggers a call to the initialization callback. The callback would typically call flux_future_get_reactor() and/or flux_future_get_flux() to obtain the reactor or flux_t handle to be used to set up watchers or message handlers. In this context, the reactor or flux_t handle are exactly the ones passed to flux_future_set_reactor() and flux_future_set_flux().

When the user calls flux_future_wait_for(3), this triggers the creation of a temporary reactor, then a call to the initialization callback. The temporary reactor allows these functions to wait only for the future's events, without allowing unrelated watchers registered in the main reactor to run, which might complicate the application's control flow. In this context, flux_future_get_reactor() returns the temporary reactor, not the one passed in with flux_future_set_reactor(). flux_future_get_flux() returns a temporary flux_t handle cloned from the one passed to flux_future_set_flux(), and associated with the temporary reactor. After the internal reactor returns, any messages unmatched by the dispatcher on the cloned handle are requeued in the main flux_t handle with flux_dispatch_requeue().

Since the init callback may be made in either reactor context (at most once each), and is unaware of which context that is, it should take care when managing any context-specific state not to overwrite the state from a prior call. The ability to attach objects with destructors anonymously to the future with flux_future_aux_set() may be useful for managing the life cycle of reactor watchers and message handlers created by init callbacks.


flux_future_create() returns a future on success. On error, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_aux_set() returns zero on success. On error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_aux_get() returns the requested object on success. On error, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_get_flux() returns a flux_t handle on success. On error, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_get_reactor() returns a flux_reactor_t on success. On error, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_fulfill_with() returns zero on success. On error, -1 is returned with errno set to EINVAL if either f or p is NULL, or f and p are the same, EAGAIN if the future p is not ready, or EEXIST if the function is called multiple times with different p.



Out of memory.


Invalid argument.


The requested object is not found.


The requested operation is not ready. For flux_future_fulfill_with(), the target future p is not fulfilled.


flux_future_fulfill_with() was called multiple times with a different target future p.


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-core/issues


flux_future_get(3), flux_clone(3)