

#include <flux/core.h>

flux_future_t *flux_future_wait_all_create (void);

flux_future_t *flux_future_wait_any_create (void);

int flux_future_push (flux_future_t *cf,
                      const char *name,
                      flux_future_t *f);

const char *flux_future_first_child (flux_future_t *cf);

const char *flux_future_next_child (flux_future_t *cf);

flux_future_t *flux_future_get_child (flux_future_t *cf,
                                      const char *name);

Link with -lflux-core.


See flux_future_get(3) for general functions that operate on futures, and flux_future_create(3) for a description of the flux_future_t base type. This page covers functions used for composing futures into composite types using containers that allow waiting on all or any of a set of child futures.

flux_future_wait_all_create() creates a future that is an empty container for other futures, which can subsequently be pushed into the container using flux_future_push(). The returned future will be automatically fulfilled when all children futures have been fulfilled. The caller may then use flux_future_first_child(), flux_future_next_child(), and/or flux_future_get_child() and expect that flux_future_get(3) will not block for any of these child futures. This function is useful to synchronize on a series of futures that may be run in parallel.

flux_future_wait_any_create() creates a composite future that will be fulfilled once any one of its children are fulfilled. Once the composite future is fulfilled, the caller will need to traverse the child futures to determine which was fulfilled. This function is useful to synchronize on work where any one of several results is sufficient to continue.

flux_future_push() places a new child future f into a future composite created by either flux_future_wait_all_create() or flux_future_wait_any_create(). A name is provided for the child so that the child future can be easily differentiated from other futures inside the container once the composite future is fulfilled.

Once a flux_future_t is pushed onto a composite future with flux_future_push(), the memory for the child future is "adopted" by the new parent. Thus, calling flux_future_destroy(3) on the parent composite will destroy all children. Therefore, child futures that have been the target of flux_future_push() should not have flux_future_destroy(3) called upon them to avoid double-free.

flux_future_first_child() and flux_future_next_child() are used to iterate over child future names in a composite future created with either flux_future_wait_all_create() or flux_future_wait_any_create(). The flux_future_t corresponding to the returned name can be then fetched with flux_future_get_child(). flux_future_next_child() will return a NULL once all children have been iterated.

flux_future_get_child() retrieves a child future from a composite by name.


flux_future_wait_any_create() and flux_future_wait_all_create() return a future on success. On error, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_push() returns zero on success. On error, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately.

flux_future_first_child() returns the name of the first child future in the targeted composite in no given order. If the composite is empty, a NULL is returned.

flux_future_next_child() returns the name of the next child future in the targeted composite in no given order. If the last child has already been returned then this function returns NULL.

flux_future_get_child() returns a flux_future_t corresponding to the child future with the supplied string name parameter. If no future with that name is a child of the composite, then the function returns NULL.



Out of memory.


Invalid argument.


The requested object is not found.


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-core/issues


flux_future_get(3), flux_future_create(3)