

#include <flux/idset.h>

typedef struct {
   char text[160];
} idset_error_t;

struct idset *idset_decode (const char *s);

struct idset *idset_decode_ex (const char *s,
                               ssize_t len,
                               ssize_t size,
                               int flags,
                               idset_error_t *error);

bool idset_decode_empty (const char *s, ssize_t len);

int idset_decode_info (const char *s,
                       ssize_t len,
                       size_t *count,
                       unsigned int *maxid,
                       idset_error_t *error);

int idset_decode_add (struct idset *idset,
                      const char *s,
                      ssize_t len,
                      idset_error_t *error);

int idset_decode_subtract (struct idset *idset,
                           const char *s,
                           ssize_t len,
                           idset_error_t *error);

Link with -lflux-idset.


Refer to idset_create(3) for a general description of idsets.

idset_decode() creates an idset from a string s. The string may have been produced by idset_encode(). It must consist of comma-separated non-negative integer ids, and may also contain hyphenated ranges. If enclosed in square brackets, the brackets are ignored. Some examples of valid input strings are:


idset_decode_ex() creates an idset from a string s optionally truncated at len bytes. If len is -1, the full, NUL-terminated string length is parsed. The idset is created using the specified flags and size. If size is -1, the idset is made to exactly fit the largest id specified in s. If size is 0, a default size is used.

The following functions parse an idset string without creating an idset:

idset_decode_empty() parses s optionally truncated at len and returns true if it is the empty set, or false if it is not the empty set or cannot be parsed.

idset_decode_info() parses s optionally truncated at len bytes to determine the idset count and maxid. Either of the two output parameters may be set to NULL to suppress assignment.

idset_decode_add() parses s optionally truncated at len bytes and adds members of the resulting set to idset.

idset_decode_subtract() parses s optionally truncated at len bytes and removes members of the resulting set from idset.


idset_decode_ex() without IDSET_FLAGS_AUTOGROW fails when presented with an empty set because an idset cannot be created with zero slots. In situations where the set should not grow automatically and the empty set is valid, it is recommended to represent the empty set with NULL, and use idset_decode_empty() to distinguish it from a parse error, e.g.

struct idset *idset;
idset_error_t error;

if (idset_decode_empty (input, -1))
    idset = NULL;
else if (!(idset = idset_decode_ex (input, -1, -1, 0, &error)))
    // handle parse error


idset_decode_empty() returns a boolean value.

idset_decode() and idset_decode_ex() return an idset on success which must be freed with idset_destroy(3). On failure, they return NULL with errno set. In addition, idset_decode_ex() sets error on failure, if non-NULL.

idset_decode_empty() returns a boolean value.

idset_decode_add() and idset_decode_subtract() return 0 on success, or -1 on failure with errno and error (if non-NULL) set.



One or more arguments were invalid.


Out of memory.



Flux RFC:


22/Idset String Representation

