

#include <flux/core.h>

typedef void (*flux_continuation_f)(flux_future_t *f, void *arg);

int flux_future_get (flux_future_t *f, const void **result);

int flux_future_then (flux_future_t *f,
                      double timeout,
                      flux_continuation_f cb,
                      void *arg);

int flux_future_wait_for (flux_future_t *f, double timeout);

void flux_future_reset (flux_future_t *f);

void flux_future_destroy (flux_future_t *f);

bool flux_future_has_error (flux_future_t *f);

const char *flux_future_error_string (flux_future_t *f);

Link with -lflux-core.


A Flux future represents some activity that may be completed with reactor watchers and/or message handlers. It is both a handle for synchronization and a container for the result. A Flux future is said to be "fulfilled" when a result is available in the future container, or a fatal error has occurred. Flux futures were inspired by similar constructs in other programming environments mentioned in RESOURCES, but are not a faithful implementation of any particular one.

Generally other Flux classes return futures, and may provide class-specific access function for results. The functions described in this page can be used to access, synchronize, and destroy futures returned from any such class. Authors of classes that return futures are referred to flux_future_create(3).


flux_future_get() accesses the result of a fulfilled future. If the future is not yet fulfilled, it calls flux_future_wait_for() internally with a negative timeout, causing it to block until the future is fulfilled. A pointer to the result is assigned to result (caller must NOT free), or -1 is returned if the future was fulfilled with an error.

flux_future_then() sets up a continuation callback cb that is called with opaque argument arg once the future is fulfilled. The continuation will normally use flux_future_get() or a class-specific access function to obtain the result from the future container without blocking. The continuation may call flux_future_destroy() or flux_future_reset(). If timeout is non-negative, the future must be fulfilled within the specified amount of time or the timeout fulfills it with an error (errno set to ETIMEDOUT).

flux_future_wait_for() blocks until the future is fulfilled, or timeout (if non-negative) expires. This function may be called multiple times, with different values for timeout. If the timeout expires before the future is fulfilled, an error is returned (errno set to ETIMEDOUT) but the future remains unfulfilled. If timeout is zero, function times out immediately if the future has not already been fulfilled.

flux_future_reset() unfulfills a future, invalidating any result stored in the container, and preparing it to be fulfilled once again. If a continuation was registered, it remains in effect for the next fulfillment. If a timeout was specified when the continuation was registered, it is restarted.

flux_future_destroy() destroys a future, including any result contained within.

flux_future_has_error() tests if an error exists in the future or not. It can be useful for determining if an error exists in a future or in other parts of code that may wrap around a future. It is commonly called before calling flux_future_error_string().

flux_future_error_string() returns the error string stored in a future. If the future was fulfilled with an optional error string, flux_future_error_string() will return that string. Otherwise, it will return the string associated with the error number set in a future. If the future is a NULL pointer, not fulfilled, or fulfilled with a non-error, NULL is returned.


flux_future_then(), flux_future_get(), and flux_future_wait_for() return zero on success. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.



Out of memory.


Invalid argument.


A timeout passed to flux_future_wait_for() expired before the future was fulfilled.


flux_future_wait_for() would likely deadlock due to an improperly initialized future.


Flux: http://flux-framework.org

Flux RFC: https://flux-framework.readthedocs.io/projects/flux-rfc

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-core/issues

C++ std::future: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/future

Java util.concurrent.Future: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Future.html

Python3 concurrent.futures: https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html

